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SMALL DANCES Sticks short pattern 03

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See sticks shorts and sticks long - showclip for a possible end form

General Informations

Examples from the category "Don`t stress, relax and inspire" contain short exercises with music that can be done as a warm-up or as an intro to the lesson. The exercises are designed and arranged in a way that they can be learned without a lot of prior experience and don`t necessarily lead to a certain dance style.

The emphasis is on varied work with music in combination with simple movements.

Short dances with materials provide some variation to the better known dance styles.

Target group: recommended level 2 (from age 7)

Helpful prerequisites:

  • Music perception
  • Feel for rhythm
  • Experience with movement and music

Tips for implementation: further information can be found under "tips and tricks"

  • It is easier when a second person fixes the ends of the sticks on the ground by holding them. The person then change places, for example during the 1x8 beats.
  • This form can also be introduced with jumping ropes on the floor - for young children.
  • One student claps to the rhythm while the partner is hopping - then change
  • Play some music during the practice phase (motivation). The sound volume can be varied.

Further steps:

  • Connect with sequence 01 and 02
  • Students may put together their own combination
  • Form new teams

Tips relating to the music: further information can be found under the heading "About"   

  • For this example, several different music pieces are suitable. A clear rhythm with between 115 - 125 beats per minute (BPM) is helpful.
  • Good, motivating music is very important. Use songs that are currently popular every now and then. Bring faster and slower music to the lesson. These add variety and motivation to lessons.