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LOCKING Part with a partner 02

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General Informations

LOCKING belongs to the dance style Hip-Hop.

The PARTS WITH A PARTNER are well suited for a short interval regarding "coordinative skills with music". Working with a partner fosters cooperation between the students and allows them to support and coach each other. Parts with a partner are motivating and offer some variety in the dance lessons.

Locking is danced to funk music. Locking is a dance that originated in the early 1970s in dance clubs in Los Angeles. Locking has a defined as a set of movements determined by certain steps and moves (called locks). The movements are danced expansively and usually dynamically as well.

Helpful prerequisites:

  • Experience with movement and music
  • Examples from the category: "Short Dances"

Tips for implementation:

  • if sequences are performed with a partner, integrate changing partners so that students don`t always dance with the same partner
  • Different forms of organisations add variety and take some pressure off the teacher as the "presenter".
  • Play some music during the practice phase (motivation). The sound volume can be varied.

Further steps:

  • If 2-3 simple basic dance steps are combined with a part with a partner, a short combination can be created for all of the class.
  • Students can show their own moves related to the theme that they either already know or have created or arranged within their groups.

Tips relating to the music: further information can be found under the heading "Tips & methods" > Music 

  • For this example, several different music pieces are suitable. A clear rhythm with between 70 -90 beats per minute (BPM) is helpful.
  • Good, motivating music is very important. Use songs that are currently popular every now and then. Bring faster and slower music to the lesson. These add variety and motivation to lessons.